I have been working with Todd Judice at Next Level Coaching for almost two years. I have a running background and got into triathlons because I didn’t think I could get any faster running. Not only have I gotten much faster running, but have also improved significantly in swimming and cycling. I have done several 70.3’s, podiumed many sprints, and completed my first full Ironman in 12:44. Next, I have my eyes set on a Boston qualifying marathon time. Every goal I didn’t think I could do, I have accomplished and Todd has been there paving the way. He has been by my side, pushing me, encouraging me, and most of all believing in me. The coaching is intense, but customized and personal. I highly recommend him and the other coaches at Next Level.



In July 2018, I DNF'd Ironman Canada. I was in the middle of a five month pity party. However, like an angel from the heavens, Todd Judice randomly sent me a message wanting to coach me. Within 40 minutes of talking to Todd, he sparked and renewed my passion and love for the sport. I still think Todd reaching out to me was a gift from God. I was ready to try and tackle Ironman Canada in 2019.

I made a promise to my two sons that I would keep going back there until I made it to the finish line. 2019 IMCA was, by far, one of the best days of my life. The promise had been kept with a finish time of 14:38:12, a 90 minute personal record.

I love Todd's training so much! He treated me like I was an Olympic athlete, like I was extremely important. He commented on EVERY SINGLE workout. He was truly and genuinely excited about MY training and MY success. He is a pure technician of all three sports. I felt like I had been let into the secret workings of the "real" athletes.

At Ironman Texas, I officially became an Ironman after 4 tries. We have to finish what we start. That is what Coach Todd taught me.

Big huge shoutout to Todd Judice for all that he has done to get me to be the best version of myself and ultimately completing this monumental task I didn’t believe was possible. Also congratulations to him for racing this Monday at the Boston Marathon with a finishing time that qualified him to race it again next year, what an inspiration, way to live, as well as lead by example.